Title: "And The Truth Will Set You Free" Date: August 25, 2003 Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: Mr. Thomas L. Friedman, Columnist for the New Your Times, and our dearest loving brothers, Sayyid Iyad Jamaleddine and Sayyid Hussein Khomeini in Iraq
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). Outline of Spiritual Letter: Outline of Page 2 of 3 - you are reading this page 8. Comments - To Our Dear Brothers In Iraq
within us, not joining with each other "outside" of us Outline of Page 3 - click HERE to go to Page 3
8. Comments - continued
8-5. The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship - plus 2 on-line libraries 8-6. Lets Get Together - in the name of God, and let Wisdom teach us "What we do not know" 8-7. Why Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral)? - because God loves us, that is why 8-8. The True Significance of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral) - to the followers of Muhammad (Sal.), is God completing the last request of Muhammad (Sal.)
9. Closing Prayer & Comments - "Forgive me the wrong and accept the good." 10. Copy of Article - by Thomas L. Friedman
10-1. "Dinner With The Two Sayyids" 10-2. "Telling the Truth in Iraq"
Summary & Text of Spiritual Letter: 8. Comments To Our Dearest Loving Brothers In Iraq
Summary of Topic:
May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon you, your families, and all of your friends. Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) loves you very, very much
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My dearest loving brothers Sayyid Iyad Jamaleddine, and Sayyid Hussein Khomeini in Iraq, both of you, and all of your family and friends, are in my prayers, and will forever remain in my heart. 8-1. In Truth We Are All One - One within our faith, wisdom, and truth
Summary of Topic:
In truth we all One, One in God, One in our faith in God, in our Iman, One in our Wisdom, in our Consciousness of God and of the Creation of God within us, and One in the Truth, the Truth of the Kalimah, which is the affirmation of our faith, of our Iman, in everything that we do.
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We are One, my dearest loving brothers, One in God, One in Iman, One in Wisdom, and One in Truth. Nothing can change that. That is God's promise of One who truly loves Him, and loves His Messenger.
His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us that,
There is only one God, and that is Allah (Allahu ta 'ala - God Almighty). There is one only one Messenger, and that is Muhammad (may God's peace and blessings be upon Him). And there is only one Shaikh, and that is Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). This is the truth of our life, of all life, my dearest loving brothers, the Triple Flame of God within each of us, Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen. This is who we are.
This is God revealing God within us, this is the only thing in truth that is really happening in our life, in all life, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, God is happening within us, by first revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us.
This is where we are. We are within this happening. This is who we are, we are this happening, or not happening, depending on whether we realize, understand, accept, and join with this truth within us. This is what is happening in our life, in all life, my dearest loving brothers. God is happening.
And within that, within "God happening" within us is True Man and God, as within the "apple fruit happening" is the apple tree and the apple, and the sweet taste within the apple, and again the apple seed.
This is what we must support in each of our lives, this happening within us, and we do this by joining with our wisdom, and with the truth of God within our wisdom, by joining with our Shaikh within us, by joining with Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen within us, and with God within Him, to let this happen within us.
In order to transform our life of "separation and differences", our life of "self worship", to transform our false life of the "one of us" on the "outside" of us, into our true life of God worship within us, into the life of the truth of us within us, into the "Three of Us", the "Disciple, the Shaikh, and God", within the "Three of God" within us, which is the Triple Flame of God within us - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen within us.
In order to transform the false "one of us" outside of us, into the true "Three of Us" within us, which in maturity becomes the understanding of the Triple Flame of God within us, allowing the "Three of Us" to disappear as One back into the Triple Flame of God within us, from which we have come, allowing the Triple Flame of God within us to disappear as One back into God, from which it came, and we will be within it.
Other than this, there is no other way to return to God, for we must return as we came. And we came as the One within the Three, and we must return as the One within the Three, but now with the understanding of the Triple Flame of God within us that we were sent here by God to obtain.
Revealing in this way True Man within the Creation of God within us, and God within the Creation of True Man within us, and within that, revealing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
This is why His Holiness, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"Only what came into the world from God can leave the world and return to God and that is your soul, and the wisdom surrounding your soul. Everything else of you has grown here and can never leave here, and in truth has no interest in leaving here, no matter what it may say or do or tell you. Please look into this."
Like this, my dearest loving brothers, His Holiness teaches us that in Aathi, which is the beginningless beginning, or the time before awwal or Creation, what came here as our soul is known as the Nur Muhammad, which is the dhat or resplendence of God that emerges out of the effulgence of God in Anathi, which is before the beginningless beginning, when God meditates upon Himself, in ignorance of Himself, and asks the question of God within Him, "Who am I?".
This Nur Muhammad is the resplendence of God, the Shadow of God, which after awwal or Creation, is experienced by Creation as the Triple Flame of God within us - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen - which gives birth to the "Three of Us", the ruh, the wisdom, and the Nur within man, in order to help answer God's question.
And this "Three of Us" is experienced in the original world of Adam (peace be upon Him) as the Disciple, the Shaikh, and God, and is experienced in our current state of "separation and differences", in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, as the Shadow of the Shaikh, as our life of "separation and differences" where each look is a sin, each look is a look of "separation and differences".
And if this life of "separations and differences", if this life of sin, if this Shadow of the Shaikh within us, that we see in our ignorance as our life "outside" of us, that we live with our brothers and sisters as "separate from" God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, if this false life of the "one of us", can disappear back into the Shaikh before we die, as wisdom dawns within us, as the love of the Guru grows within us, like the shadow of a pole disappearing back into the pole as the sun rises above it, our life can become victorious.
If this can happen to us, before we die, if our wisdom reasons over our fate, then the original state of Adam (peace be upon Him) before the fall, the original state of the Disciple, the Shaikh, and God within us, the state of the "Three of Us" within the "Three of God" within us, within the Triple Flame of God within us, will be restored, allowing our life to move forward once again, transforming our life of ignorance, and of arrogance about our ignorance, into a life of grace, wisdom, and 'ilm or Divine Knowledge.
And we do this by affirming this truth of us, this "Three of Us" within the "Three of God" within us, this original state of Adam (peace by upon Him) within us, this living as the Three within the Three within us, not as the "one of us" living outside of us with our brothers and sisters, not as the "one of us" living outside of us as "separate from" God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, but rather, living as the Disciple, the Shaikh, and God, joined as One, living within - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen, also joined as One, in everything that we do.
This is the living Kalimah of Allah that we must all learn about and become, through the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), the gift of God for our age, in this way, transforming our life of "separation and differences" outside of us into the life of "Oneness" within us, into the life of "Oneness with" God, of "Oneness with" each other, and of "Oneness with" the Creation of God, within us.
Only then will our life be successful, only then can our wisdom successfully reason over our fate.
And this will naturally happen within each of us, whoever we are, wherever we are, if we will but realize, understanding, accept, and join with this truth of us, this reality of us, and reject, put down, this falsehood of us. It is just that simple.
That is God's promise and guarantee for this age, for this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), which is all of us living in the world today, if we want it.
This is why His Holiness teaches us,
"Stop working for wages to get into heaven, and instead, join in partnership with God."
We must join with God within us in what He has already started within us, which is to reveal True Man within His Creation, allowing True Man to reveal God within the Creation of True Man. This is our work, joining as One with God within us, not trying to live a life "separate from" God, "separate from" our brothers and sisters, and "separate from" the Creation of God within us.
And as such We are One, God, True Man, and the Creation of God are One, One within the other as One, One revealing the Other within it, One hiding itself within the One being revealed, only to be revealed again, in the same way that the apple seed reveals the apple tree, all the time hiding itself within the apple tree, only to be revealed again as the apple seed within the apple fruit.
And the Creation of God is within us, is the dunya or earth world within us, is the 18,000 universes within the earth world within us, that in our ignorance we collectively see as existing "outside" of us, and True Man is revealed within us, within the Creation of God within us, when we realize, understand, accept, and join with this truth of "us", and let it happen.
When we let the seed of God germinate within us, destroying "us" as "separate from" God, as "separate from each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, and revealing the Tree of God within us, within the Creation of God within us, which is True Man, which is the Oneness of God and His Creation, allowing True Man, the Tree of God to bear fruit, and the sweetness of that fruit is the "Oneness of God and True Man".
And as such We are One, True Man, God and the Creation of True Man are One, One within the other as One, One revealing the Other within it, One hiding itself within the One being revealed, only to be revealed again, in the same way that the apple tree reveals the apple fruit, all the time hiding itself within the apple fruit, only to be revealed again as the apple tree within the apple seed.
And the Creation of True Man is the next world, is akhirah, is firdaus, the 8th heaven of Muhammad (may the peace and blessing of God be upon Him), the kingdom of God, and God is revealed within us, within the Creation of True Man within us, when we realize, understand, accept, and join with this truth of "us", and let it happen, let the Tree of God bear fruit, destroying "everything" other than God, revealing the Flower of God within us, and within that the Fruit of God within us, and within that the sweetness of God within us, and within that again the Seed of God within us, and in this way revealing God as the Oneness of True Man and the Creation of True Man within us.
One day in the "room" a child as His Holiness to explain the relationship between us and Muhammad (Sal.), the last Prophet of God, and God, and Bawa told the child:
"Think of yourself as an orange. Muhammad is the juice of that orange. And God is the taste."
And as such, my dearest loving brothers, we are One. 8-2. The True Meaning of Islam, of Judaism, & of All Religions - is joining with God within us, not joining with each other "outside" of us
Summary of Topic:
The true meaning of Islam, of Judaism, and of all religions is to stop working for wages to get into heaven, stop living as if we are "separate from" God, and we have to go back to Him, if we become worthy. We will be very disappointed. And instead join in partnership with God within us, realizing as His Holiness, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), teaches us,
"God is the Power within the Essence of Everything" within us.
In this way, realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining with this truth of our life, that we, and True Man, and God are One, as the orange, the juice of the orange, and the taste of the juice are One.
In this way, allowing God to finish what He as already started within us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us.
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My dearest loving brothers, Sayyid Iyad Jamaleddine, and Sayyid Hussein Khomeini in Iraq, this is Islam, this is Tawhid, the Principle Tenet of Islam, this is the affirmation of the Unity of Allah. This is what you must teach in your schools in Karbala, and Najaf, this is the true opening of the door for Ijtihad.
As this is what must be taught in Qum, and in Jerusalem, and in all Islamic Mosques, as well as in all Jewish Temples, Christian Churches, Zoroastrian Shrines, and Hindu Shrines, and in all the places of worship in the world, eventually becoming the major focus of everyone living in the world today, a focus on "who we really are", on "who we already are", on "why we are really here", on "where we really are", and on "what is really happening" in our life, and in all life.
And the true answer is always the same.
"What is happening? God is happening."
No other answer is any longer appropriate. Because now we must choose, either God or the world, now it is time to choose, and our answer is our state for eternity, either "One with" God for eternity, or an eternal life of "separation from" God. There is no other choice.
And "no choice" is a choice, a choice to continue as we are, to continue for eternity to be "separated from" God. Know this now, my dearest loving brothers, it is very important. May we all think about this a little.
Now we can choose because now the final answer has come, the final answer from God to all of our questions has come, the final teaching has arrived, and we no longer need to be in ignorance or doubt. God has given us His final life and teaching, His life and teaching for our age, and God has personally and ever so lovingly placed it within each of us, within each of His Children living in this age, which is all of us living in this age.
All we have to do is use it. All we have to do is realize we have it, and start to use it, start to use the life and teaching of God within us, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us in this age, so we can choose, between God and the world, because now we have been told the difference, the true difference between God and the world, which is the difference between Oneness and "separation and differences".
Now we can never say to God.
"I didn't know. I didn't understand."
So the only question left is do we want it. Do we really want what God has, and only God has, which is "Oneness".
Do we really want "Oneness with" God, and "Oneness with" each other, and "Oneness with" the Creation of God, or do we really want what God has rejected from Himself, which is "separation from", which is "separation and differences".
Which is "separation from" God, and "separation from " each other, and "separation from" the Creation of God, in all of its varied forms, do we really want to continue to call ourselves Muslims living as "separate from" the Jews, and "separate from" the Christians, and "separate from" the Zoroastrians, and "separate from" the Hindus, or as "separate from" the Sunnis, Shiites, Arabs, or non-Arabs, or Kurds, or Turkmen.
But that is not true Islam, as that is not true Judaism, as that is not true Christianity, or Zoroastrianism, or Hinduism. Or do we really want to have it both ways, do we really want the world, and our life of "separation and differences" in the world, and God too. Is this what we call wanting God.
This is not wanting God, this is wanting the world, this is wanting our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us. This is not wanting God. May we all realize this now, without the slightest doubt.
In this way, His Holiness, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) told us one day, that,
"At the end of time, which is now, God will send One who will explain again everything that has been explained before, by all of the 124,000 Prophets of God, over and over again, throughout the ages, but this time with no veils."
"Everyone will hear it. Everyone will understand it. And all that will be left is do you want it. Do you want an eternal life of "Oneness with" God, or an eternal life of "separation from" God. The choice is yours." 8-3. God Alone Is Sufficient - now we can really live this way
Summary of Topic:
His Holiness, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us that,
"God alone is sufficient, if you believe with your Iman, with absolute faith, certitude, and determination that God alone exists, if you accept the heart that God is One, without the slightest doubt, that this is true. If not, then you must take responsibility for your actions."
And now is the time to realize this, now in this age, because we all have been given everything by God that we need to live in this way, to live loving and trusting in God alone, because it has all been placed within us by God, because for this age God has made it so.
And God has also given us the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the outside of us, as a finger pointing to this truth of God within us, if we will but realize, understand, accept, and join with it, as the life and teaching of God for our age, becoming in this way one of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us) for this age.
So now there is no excuse for not living this way, now there is no excuse for not loving and trusting only in God within us, and for no longer loving and trusting in the world outside of us.
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And to do this we need to turn to God within us, not to our religion, to our family, to our friends, to our leaders outside of us, but to God within us.
And once we have established a strong relationship with God within us, then He will guide everyone else, not us, because then we will no longer exist. He will exist within us and we will be within Him. This is the goal, Oneness with God, not reaching some imaginary heaven and sitting near Him with our family and friends.
That is the great secret of our life, Oneness with God. To transform our life from the "presence of us" into the "presence of God", by living our life by not living it, but by letting it be lived by God, by the Oneness that is God within us. And in this way, to pray by not praying, but by letting prayer happen. To teach by not teaching, but by letting teaching happen. To write and speak by not writing and speaking, but by letting writing and speaking happen.
This is the Sufi way, the way of the great mystics within each of the four religions that we have forgotten, or pushed way, or lost gradually over the ages, replacing Them in the world today with "our presence" rather than with Their "lack of presence", which in truth is the "presence of God".
His Holiness told us one day in the "room",
"The only thing valuable on the path of God is God. You cannot use the things that God has discarded to get to God, and everything that you currently see, and do, and know, and are is what God has discarded, so you cannot use any of that to get to God"
"You must use God to get to God. Only God can do this Divine work within you, only He can make your life truly successful."
"So call on God to do this work. Before you do anything call on Him, and hand Him what you are setting out to do, with the intention that He do it joined as One with you, not that you do it as "separate from" Him, whether it be prayer or duty, or anything else in your life."
"And make what rises up both within and outside of you, that rises up to stop you from using God alone, make this God's problem not your problem. In this way make "you" and everything about "you" into God's problem, not your problem."
"Because in truth you have no problems, because in truth you do not exist. Because in truth it is God who exist. Then you will be successful in your life, then your wisdom will reason over your fate."
And another day in the "room" His Holiness look at us and said,
"I haven't come for you. I have come for your soul. I have come to awaken the wisdom surrounding your soul. So the wisdom surrounding your soul can do battle with the enemy of your soul."
And when this child heard Bawa say this, I immediately looked at Bawa and asked Him,
"Bawa, who is the enemy of my soul?'
And Bawa looked right back at me and said,
"You are!" 8-4. What Separates Us From God - is what separates us from each other
Summary of Topic:
What separates us from God is what separates us from each other, as what separates us from each other is what separates us from God.
So this is the work, my dearest loving brothers, to remove our "separation and differences", and when we do, then quite naturally we will become "One with" God, "One with" each other, and "One with" the Creation of God within us.
Please know this now with your Iman, without the slightest doubt. Please join with God within you, as "One with" Him within you, to do this now, my dearest loving brothers.
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One day His Holiness told us,
"If you are there God is not there, and if God is there you are not there."
So our work is learning how not to be there, for then God will be there. It is just that simple. Except if we truly want to be there, in the state of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, then we are in trouble, because then we can never know God, and the Oneness that is God.
Then we can never again be One with our Creator, no matter how much "working for wages to get into heaven" that we do, because "we" are in the way, "we" are separating our soul from God, we are keeping our soul which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) crucified on the cross of our elemental body, so we can sin, so we can continue living our selfish life of "separation and differences" in the world that see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us.
Then "we" are preventing God, blocking God, from finishing what He has started within each of us, which is to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, by first revealing True Man within the Creation of God. Know this now, my dearest loving brothers. Know this now.
And His Holiness, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, has also told us,
"For conception you need two, the man and the woman, for death there are four, the four who carry you to the grave, but for prayer there can be only One."
"To pray you must be alone, hungry, and awake". "To be alone, only God is there, only the Oneness that is God, is there. To be hungry, the liberated soul must be there, liberated from worldly desires, and the elemental form, eager to be nourished. And to be awake, you must be free of all illusion."
In this way, the goal for our life, my dearest loving brothers, is the "living presence" of God in our life, not "our presence" trying to be like God, not "our presence" trying to do God's duty, not "our presence" trying to become pleasing to God. This is not the age for that type of work.
This is the age when our life can becomes His life within us, our life can become His life of Oneness within us, if that be our true intention. This is the age when our qualities and actions can become His qualities and actions within us, if that be our true intention. This is the age when our duty can become His duty within us.
In this way, doing our prayers and duty "here" from "there", not "here" from "here", if that be our true intention, doing our prayers and duty "here", in the dunya or this world, from "there", from akhirah, from the next world, from the Kingdom of God, after going on Mi'raj as Muhammad (Sal.), simultaneously existing as Muhammad (Sal.) both "here" and "there", becoming in this way, the Ruler, the Rahman, both over there and here.
This is the goal and the work for our age, my dearest loving brothers of my heart, Sayyid Iyad Jamaleddine, and Sayyid Hussein Khomeini, the "living presence" of God" in our life. Then and only then will our life be successful.
Then, as His Holiness teaches us, our wisdom will reason over our fate. Then the qualities of our inner selves will become victorious over the qualities of our outer selves.
Then we are no longer there, living as "separate from" God. Then only God is there, living as "One with" all of the Creation of God within us, and we are within Him, allowing Him to finish what He started within us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and we will have disappeared within Him as True Man.
Then we have become One. One with God, and One with everyone and everything that God is One with.
And we can all do this, my dearest loving brothers, everyone living in the world today can now do all of this, because God has made it so.
Therefore, we must embrace everyone living in the world today as our brothers and sisters, and treat them as "God happening" within us, not as "separate from" us, because in truth this is what everyone and everything is today, "God happening" within us, whether they know it or not, and even whether they want it or not, because this is the truth of all of us in this age, this is the birthright and true heritage of all of everything in this age, because this is what God is currently doing within everything in this age, revealing Himself for the benefit of all of His Creation.
And this is what we must all join now, within ourselves, "God happening" within us and within everyone else, by giving up all of our joining with each other "outside" of us.
Then we will find peace in our life, because now is the time to do this Divine work, this "selfless work" within us, now is the time to end all of our "selfish work" outside of us, now is the time to stop working for wages to get into heaven.
And we must not do this just for those living in our group, as our family, our friends, our race or religion, we must join with everyone living in the world today to make this truth of all of us a reality, including your brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, we must join with God within us to do this divine work within us, and within everyone else, because in truth all lives are our life.
We must all join with God within us to do this "Heart's Work", as His Holiness calls it.
This is true Islam, true Judaism, and true Christianity for this age, and this is the truth hidden by God within all of the religions of the world, which He is now revealing to all of us in this age, the only work that will save all of the followers of Muhammad (Sal.), which is all of us, from hell, if we will but realize, understand, accept, and join with it.
And to help us in this "Heart's Work" God has given us the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the outside of us, if we will but realize, understand, accept, and join with it, as God's finger pointing to the life and teaching of God within each of us.
Just as each of the Holy Men of God in each age were simply pointing to what God had already placed within the hearts of all of the people living in their age, so it is now, in our age, with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). In truth it is pointing to what God has already placed within the hearts of all of us living in the world today.
Please accept this truth of our life, and of all other lives, and please accept the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in this way, as the gift of God for our age.
Nothing else that we have been given is really appropriate for this age, even if it was given to us by our family or religion, even if it was appropriate for earlier ages, even if it came directly from God for previous ages.
Our work in this age is to realize, understand, accept, and join with what God has given to us in our age, not what came to other people in previous ages. May we all think about this wisdom point a little. It is very, very important.
And God has also given us the life and teaching of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), on the outside of us, which is what this letter represents, as a finger pointing to the life and teaching of God within each of us for this age, if we will but realize, understand, accept, and join with it as such, and in the process, through God's grace, wisdom, and 'ilm (Divine Knowledge), become a Child of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us) ourselves.
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